what is online photo albums?

an online photo album is a photo album that you can access online that other people can see too.which they could also control who sees your photo albums so for example only to family.

give examples of online photo albums

  • instagram
  • Flickr
  • webshots
  • picasa

 Advantages of uploading images to online albums and allowing friends to access them rather than emailing them or placing them on a social networking site?

  • Privacy and Security: Your photos are more secure when they are stored online. You have total control over your photos and can make your album public or private and share your pictures with whoever you want. You can even hide your album/photos from people or search engines and also protect your albums and photos with passwords.
  • keep your photos organised
  • edit your photos online then post photo 

cloud computing

  1. the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.

examples of how it works

  How can Google Docs be used for personal use?

you could use it any where also if you forget your usb you could go online to get all the work you did.

  How can Google Apps be used for business use?

you could do your work online if you forgot your usb and can access it online to do your work on the go.

  How can you use cloud computing to share photos 

You can use cloud computing to share photo albums with family by putting your albums into the public folder, then giving your family members links to those albums. They click on the links and can view whatever files you've dropped into that folder.
10/4/2016 01:58:48 am



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    November 2013

